PROJECT № 111.

Fastplant technology of fast development production of niche crops

City: Kyiv region

Project manager: Sergey Volodin

Degree of readiness: Prototype

The project "Fastplant technology for rapid development of niche crops" is based on an innovative flexible system of accelerated selection, reproduction, cultivation of niche crops, modular logistics of their processing and delivery of final products to consumers "just in time"

Video presentation of the project


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  1. Traditional plant breeding utilizes extensive testing of new cultivars to confirm that the desired traits are present and stable. How does your method alter the need for multigenerational cultivar testing?

    1. Thank you for your question! Fastplant method relies on and interacts with the processes and achievements of traditional plant breeding. However, for a quick response to the niche needs of the agricultural market, prepared in advance and the most acceptable for specific conditions technological solutions are selected and used (the principle of the “live” collection of genetic resources use and prepared semi-finished products of technological packages, ready for the seasonal needs use).


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